KEER2010 Programme

Amphitheatre Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F
Day 0 - March 1st 2010
Afternoon Pre-conference workshops
18:30 Welcome cocktail at Arts & Métiers Paristech (finishing at 20:00)
Day 1 - March 2nd 2010
08:45 KEER2010 Open Ceremony
09:20 Keynote 1: Prof. HARADA Akira
10:20 Break


1Am: Kansei engineering 1A: Emotion and interaction 1B: Affective computing, shape 1C: Kansei evaluation 1D: Psychological approach in product experience 1E: Senses, visualization 1F: Culture
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Keynote 2: Prof. OVERBEEKE Kees
15:00 Poster presentations
15:30 Break
16:00 2Am: Kansei engineering 2A: Design and emotion 2B: Affective computing, robots 2C: Kansei evaluation 2D: Interaction 2E: Affective computing, ontologies and text 2F: Kansei for universal design
17:40 End of Day 1
Day 2 - March 3rd 2010
09:00 Keynote 3: Prof. SCHÜTTE Simon
10:00 Break
10:30 3Am: Fashion design 3A: Kansei theory 3B: Affective computing, multimodality and agents 3C: Kansei evaluation 3D: Experience design 3E: Senses 3F: Banding
12:10 Lunch
14:00 Keynote 4: Prof. CANAMERO Lola and BERTHOUZE Nadia
15:00 Poster presentations
15:30 Break
16:00 4Am: Fashion design 4A: Interaction 4B: Kansei and music 4C: Kansei evaluation 4D: Interaction in Gaming 4E: Emotion, shape, image 4F: Culture
17:40 End of Day2
Day 3 - March 4th 2010
09:00 Keynote 5: Prof. CHEN Kuohsiang
10:00 Break
10:30 5Am: Kansei engineering 5A: Emotion in Fashion design 5B: Affective computing, gesture 5C: Kansei evaluation 5D: Experience design 5E: Visual Kansei and Colour 5F:Culture
12:10 Lunch
14:00 Keynote 6: TOYOTA EUROPE - FAVART Carole and ESQUIVEL Daniel
15:00 6Am: Kansei engineering 6A: Emotion theory 6B: Affective computing, texture 6C: Emotion measurement 6D: Face expression and recognition 6E: Senses 6F: Business
16:40 Break
17:10 Closing Ceremony
18:00 End of Day 3

KEER2010 Programme Details (tentative)

Please note that this programme is a tentative. Modifications might be done at anytime by the Programme committee.
Pre-conference workshops

Can User Experience and Kansei be Incorporated in Measurement of User Satisfaction?
KUROSU Masaaki, The Open University of Japan, Japan
BEVAN Nigel, Professional Usability Services, UK
WALLDIUS Åke, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

The workshop 1 will take place in Room C.

W2 Women in Engineering, organized by IEEE
BOUCHON-MEUNIER Bernadette, LIP6 - CNRS, France
MARTI Laura, Bouygues Telecom, France

The workshop 2 will take place in Room D.

Day 1 - March 2nd
08:45 Opening ceremony
09:20 Keynote 1: Prof. Akira HARADA
10:20 Break
10:50 Session 1
Amphitéâtre: Kansei engineering
Chairperson: Simon SCHÜTTE
(80) Improvement of the Valencian Retail Stores Competitiveness applying Emotional Engineering Methodologies
CAMPOS Nadia, Instituto De Biomecánica De Valencia, Spain
MARZO Raquel, Instituto De Biomecánica De Valencia, Spain
ALCÁNTARA Enrique, Instituto De Biomecáncia De Valencia, Spain
SORIANO Carolina, Instituto De Biomecáncia De Valencia, Spain
CEMBRERO Paula, Instituto De Biomecáncia De Valencia, Spain
SUCH MªJosé, Instituto De Biomecáncia De Valencia, Spain

(422) Identifying Trigger Feeling Factors
AYAS Ebru Pinar, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

(42) Designing a creative playground by Kansei Engineering Method
MOHAMMADPOUR Nazanin, University of Tehran, Iran
KHODADADEH Yassaman, University of Tehran, Iran
MOHAMMAD ESMAEIL Masoodeh, University of Tehran, Iran

(478) A Kansei Engineering Approach to Design A Scissors
KOLEINI MAMAGHANI Nasser, Iran University of Science And Technology, Iran
EBRAHIMI Sara, Iran University of Science And Technology, Iran

(50) A Kansei Engineering study applied to hammers
with special attention to the selection of semantics

VERGARA Margarita, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
SANCHO-BRU JoaquínLuis, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
MONDRAGóN Salvador, Universitat Jaume I, Spain

Room A: Emotion and interaction
Chairpersons: Toshimasa YAMANAKA

(222) Investigating not only sensations but also emotions to increase visual comfort of car seats

(390) Embedding Emotions within Automatically Generated Brand Names
LAURENT Anne, LIRMM - Univ. Montpellier 2, France
LAURENT Bénédicte, Namae Concept, France
BROUILLET Denis, Univ. Montpellier 3, France
MARTIN Sophie, Univ. Montpellier 3, France
ROCHE Mathieu, LIRMM - Univ. Montpellier 2, France

(26) The Investigation for Conceptual Design on Random Algorithm
WANG Ming-tang, Department of Visual Communication, Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan
TAI Wei-Chun, Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan
TSAI Hung-Cheng, National Kaohsiung First University of Science And Technolog, Taiwan

(437) Bodily non-verbal interaction with virtual characters
GILLIES Marco, Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom

(258) Indigenous Products of Emotion
SHAARI Nazlina, Design Technology Department, Malaysia

Room B: Affective computing, shape
Chairperson: Sofiane ACHICHE
(379) Computational Methods for Shape Manipulation in Generation
A literature review

OMHOVER Jean-Francois, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France
BOUCHARD Carole, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France
JIEUN Kim, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France
AMEZIANE Aoussat, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France

(306) Product Shape and Emotional Design
LESOT Marie-Jeanne, LIP6 - UPMC, France
DETYNIECKI Marcin, LIP6 - UPMC, France
OMHOVER Jean-François, LCPI - ENSAM, France

(117) Genetic Fuzzy Generation of Mass Perception in Non-Functional 3D Shapes
ACHICHE Sofiane, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

(63) Characterization of Emotional Descriptors for Human Body Shape Description Using Sensory Evaluation and Classification of Body Measurements
WANG Lichuan, The ENSAIT Textile Institute, France
ZENG Xianyi, The ENSAIT Textile Institute, France
KOEHL Ludovic, The ENSAIT Textile Institute, France
CHEN Yan, Soochow University, China

(221) A study of Form Feature on Mega Motor Yachts
HSIN ChenPei, Cheng Kung University of Industrial Design, Taiwan
YU-MING Chang, Cheng Kung University of Industrial Design, Taiwan

Room C: Kansei evaluation
Michiko OHKURA
(242) Kansei Study on Paper
LU Chia-pei, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
HUANG Miao-wen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuohsiang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(248) A Relationship Between the Process of Light Changing and the Human Emotion Variation
NAKAJIMA Mizuki, University of Tsukuba, Japan
IGARASHI Hiroya, University of Tsukuba, Japan

(531) Metrical Analysis of English Pamphlets Available at Local Airports in Japan
BAN Hiromi, Tokyo Future University, Japan
NAMBO Hidetaka, Kanazawa University, Japan
OYABU Takashi, Kanazawa Seiryo University, Japan

(211) Evaluate Attractiveness Factors of Taiwan Lantern Festival
YANG TSENG Li Tan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min-Yuan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(267) Preference-Based Analysis of Black Plastic Frame Glasses
HUANG Tzu-Kang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min-Yuan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
TSENG Wei-Chung, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Room D: Psychological approach in product experience
Chairperson: Pieter DESMET
(319) Three Levels of Product Emotion
DESMET Pieter Marc Andries, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

(158) Can we design pleasurable products by combining pleasurable sensory properties?
FENKO Anna, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
SCHIFFERSTEIN Hendrik N.J., Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
HEKKERT Paul, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

(198) The experience of non-functional touch
SONNEVELD Marina Henrieke, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

(327) Emotions in Tangible User-Product Interaction
A Psychological Review

VISCH Valentijn, Technical University Delft, Netherlands

(18) Finite Element analysis to investigate sleeping comfort of mattress
YOSHIDA Hiroaki, Shinshu University, Japan
KAMIJO Masayoshi, Shinshu University, Japan
SHIMIZU Yoshio, Shinshu University, Japan

Room E: Senses, visualization
Chairperson: Hiroko SHOJI
(62) A dynamic design of experiments using intelligent techniques in sensory evaluation
ZENG Xianyi, The ENSAIT Textile Institute, France
LIU Xiaohong, Southwest University For Nationalities, China
KOEHL Ludovic, The ENSAIT Textile Institute, France
XU Yang, Southwest Jiaotong University, China

(297) Stimulating consumers' affective mindset when implementing human appraisal surveys
DELARUE Julien, AgroParisTech, France
BOUTROLLE Isabelle, Danone Research, France

(393) Developing Sensory Function: Transfer Human Senses from Contextual Perception
TSAI Tung Jen, Chiba University Division of Design Science, Japan
LEVY Pierre, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
ONO Kenta, Chiba University Faculty of Engineering, Division of Design Science, Japan
WATANABE Makoto, Chiba University Faculty of Engineering, Division of Design Science, Japan

(249) A Proposal of the Kansei Structure Visualization Technique for Product Design
KINOSHITA Yuichiro, University of Yamanashi, Japan
NAKAMA Takumi, University of Yamanashi, Japan

(244) A Kansei Analysis of the Streetscape in Kyoto
An Application of the Kansei Structure Visualization Technique

NAKAMA Takumi, University of Yamanashi, Japan
KINOSHITA Yuichiro, University of Yamanashi, Japan

Room F: Culture
Chairperson: Mikio YAMASHITA
(187) D'ou venons nous? Que sommes nous? Ou allons nous ?
KINT Johanna, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
ROSS Philip, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
OVERBEEKE Kees, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

(501) Le Corbusier's Kansei of 'Wall'
The Journey and the Architectural Concept by the Modern Architect

SENDAI Shoichiro, Hiroshima University, Japan
HAGINO Ryo, Hiroshma University, Japan

(44) Emotions & fonts
Constructing emotional map of Chinese fonts

TSENG Te-ping, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min-yuan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(381) Acting on Intellectual Systems of an Intervening Condition and Beyond Constrained Limits
STEPHEN Awoniyi, Texas State University, United States

(73) Basic Study for Structuring Tourism Model Based on Sensitivity Values
A Case Study of Oguni Town, Kumamoto Prefecture

TAMURA Ryoichi, Kyushu University, Japan
KIYOSUMI Masahiro, Kyushu University, Japan

12:30 Lunch
14:00 Keynote 2: Prof. Kees OVERBEEKE
15:00 Posters
(179) The Role and Efficacy of Kansei Assessment for Public Space Design
A Case Study of Chinese, Korean and Japanese Railroad Stations

SOGABE Haruka, Kyushu University, Japan
MORITA Yoshitsugu, Kyushu University, Japan
SAEKI Kengo, Kyushu University, Japan
ISHIBASHI Shinsuke, Kyushu University, Japan
ZHANG Xi, Nanjing University, China
LI Min, Jiangxi University, China

(217) A Method of Transforming Implicit Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge to Actualize Self-Practice of Kyogen Movement by Utilizing IT
KAWAMURA Tatsuya, Salesian Polytecnic, Japan
YOSHINO Junichi, Salesian Polytecnic, Japan
NOJIMA Nobuhito, Salesian Polytecnic, Japan
ISHIHARA Masahito, Hosen College of Childhood Education, Japan
ICHIMURA Hiroshi, Hosen College of Childhood Education, Japan

(181) A Comparative Study on the Ideology and Methodology of Contemporary Architects in China and Japan in Search of Unique Kansei Traits
JIN Yili, Kyushu University Faculty of Design, Japan
MORITA Yoshitsugu, Kyushu University Faculty of Design, Japan
HALL MichaelWilliam, Kyushu University Faculty of Design, Japan

(156) Effects of Skin Lotion Perfume on Building
An Attachement for the lotion during continuous use

NOJIMA Saki, Keio University, Japan
TANAKA Yasuhiko, Kanebo Cosmetics Inc., Japan
RYOKO Fukuda, Keio University, Japan

(178) Research on the construction of kansei design education programs and design evaluation and diagnostic systems
MORITA Yoshitsugu, Kyushu University, Japan
SOGABE Haruka, Kyushu University, Japan

(533) Influences of Straight Line Expression Elements in Abstract Paintings on Impression Evaluation and Eye Movement
YOSHIOKA Kiyomi, University of Tsukuba, Japan
YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan

(185) Sleeping Comfort Evaluation of Bed Mattresses Based on Polysomnography (PSG) and Motion Analysis During Sleep
ONO Yosuke, Graduate School of Science And Technology, Shinshu University, Japan, Japan
KAMIJO Masayoshi, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science And Technology,, Japan
YOSHIDA Hiroaki, Faculty of Textile Science, Japan

(48) Research into Pictorial Design Trend of Chinese Characters
WANG Wei-yao, Taiwan Tech, Taiwan
FANG Wei-hung, Taiwan Tech, Taiwan
CHIU Pei-Hua, Taiwan Tech, Taiwan

(162) Computer aided design of individualized best fitting pants
TAKATERA Masayuki, Shinshu University, Japan
TSUCHIYA Keiichi, Shinshu University, Japan
KIM KyoungOk, Shinshu University, Japan
CHO YoungSook, Textile Fusion Technology R, Republic of Korea

(340) How quickly do people become bored with new information?
A survival analysis of vogue words appearing in newspapers

OHIRA Yuko, Chiba University, Japan
TAKAHASHI Shihomi, Chiba University, Japan
KUGAYA Miho, Chiba University, Japan
KOYAMA Shinichi, Chiba University, Japan
HIBINO Haruo, Chiba University, Japan

(516) The System of safe and comfortable 'KANSEI Web Service System'
AYAI Kan, Kogakuin University, Japan
SHIIZUKA Hisao, Kogakuin University, Japan

(520) Research on Sex Appeal and Product Design
SON Dar-Young, The Graduate School of Future University Hakodate, Japan
KANG Nam-Gyu, Future University Hakodate, Japan

(8) Applying an Interpretive Structural Modeling Method to Design Consumer Preference-based Products: Another Case Study
CHEN Chun-Wei, Ling Tung University, Taiwan
LIN Chung-Hung, Ling Tung University, Taiwan
CHEN Yu-Song, Ling Tung University, Taiwan

(29) Applying Structural Method Based on AHP and ISM for Developing Attractiveness Questioner
CHEN Chunwei, Ling Tung University, Taiwan
WANG Kun-Chieh, Ling Tung University, Taiwan
CHEN Yu-Song, Ling Tung University, Taiwan

(526) Components Related to Sensorial Decision Using ANN Preprocessed with Aura Characteristics
SUZUKI Yutaka, University of Yamanashi, Japan
KATO Takaya, University of Yamanashi, Japan
HATTORI Asobu, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute, Japan
SAKATA Osamu, University of Yamanashi, Japan

(502) Provisions to Restrict Amendments or Corrections in the Patent Act
Around the judgment of the Intellectual Property High Court, on June 12, 2008

MATSUNAWA Masato, University of Tsukuba , Japan

(522) Research on Emotag Photo Browser System based on “Impression”
NIINOMI Ryota, Future University-Hakodate, Japan
KANG Nam Gyu, Future University-Hakodate, Japan

(188) Comparison of Immersive Feeling Effects among Three Wide-Angle Image Projection Techniques
SATO Mie, Utsunomiya University, Japan
SUGAWARA Satoru, Utsunomiya University, Japan
KASUGA Masao, Utsunomiya University, Japan
HONDA Kenji, Tokyo University of Marine Science And Technology, Japan
HASHIMOTO Naoki, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
(83) A Research of Absolute Threshold of Hermann Grid
WANG Shiu Wen, Fortune Institute of Technology, Taiwan, Taiwan
HWANG Shyh-Huei, National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
LEE C.F., National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan

(383) Speed effects of continuous transformation in visual perception: Emotional faces vs. Objects
HAN Bora, Cognitions Humaine Et Artificielle - CHART/LUTIN - UMS 2809, France
TIJUS Charles, Cognitions Humaine Et Artificielle - CHART/LUTIN - UMS 2809, France
NADEL Jacqueline, Centre Émotion La Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France

15:30 Break
16:00 Session 2
Amphitéâtre: Kansei engineering
Chairperson: Anitawati MOHD LOKMAN
(452) Design Candidate Identification via Kansei-VR & AHP approaches
STAIANO Michele, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
LANZOTTI Antonio, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
MATRONE Giovanna, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

(166) Kansei Design of LCD Panel Specifications
TSAI Yung Fu, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuohsiang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
WANG Yu-Chiao, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
WANG Jhing-Fa, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(524) Proposal of a New Publication Process Using the Kansei Table System as a Means of Distributing University-Generated Knowledge
FURUSAWA Genta, Kyushu University Graduate School of Design, Japan
IKEDA Minako, Kyushu University Faculty of Design, JAPAN, Japan

(240) Kansei engineering as an ergonomic and technological concept derived from customer's preferences about a product
Case Study of Iranian Handicraft

KARIMI Mahshid, University of Tehran, Iran
ROKNIFARD Yassamin, University of Tehran, Iran
ZAFARMAND Seyed Javad, Chiba University, Japan

Room A: Design and emotion
Chairperson: Carole BOUCHARD
(477) Design with Emotional Approach by Implementing Kansei Engineering- Case study: Design of Kettle
KOLEINI MAMAGHANI Nasser, Iran University of Science And Technology, Iran
TAJODDINI Marjan, The University of Art, Iran

(4) Design Method of Applying the Association of Science Fiction to Emotional Arousal
TENG Chien-Kuo, Shih Chien University, Taiwan
CHUANG Ming-Chuen, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

(425) An association experiment for finding emotional expression between design and music
LIU Cha-Lin Charleen, National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
CHANG Teng-Wen, National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan

(140) The Procedure of Emotion Arousal from Words and Images
PAN Chang-Yu, TIK Menber, Taiwan
CHEN Kuo-Hsiang, TIK Cheaf, Taiwan

(136) The Features of Chinese Typeface and its Emotion
CHUANG Hsien-Chih, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min-Yuan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
FENG Yi-Che, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Room B: Affective computing, robots
Chairperson: Gordon LEE
(451) AIBOcom: Designing Robot Enhanced Human-Human Remote Communication Technology
PAPADOPOULOS Fotios, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
DAUTENHAHN Kerstin, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
CHING HO Wan, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
WALTERS Michael L., University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

(95) Kansei Evaluation of Behaviors of Robot which Recognizes Difference between User's and Its Own Fields of View
IMAI Jun-ichi, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
KANEKO Masahide, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan

(93) On The Design of a KANSEI Robot Testbed for Understanding Human-Machine Interaction
LIVINGSTON Frederick, North Carolina State University, United States
GRANT Edward, North Carolina State University, United States
LEE Gordon, San Diego State University, United States

(519) Comparison of learning willingness by using English conversation CD teaching materials and English conversation robot
ICHIRYU Ai, Kogakuin University Graduate School, Japan
SHIIZUKA Hisao, Kogakuin University, Japan

(315) Eye Movement & Facial Expression in Human-Robot Communication
FORD Christopher Colin, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
BUGMANN Guido, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
CULVERHOUSE Phillip F, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom

Room C: Kansei evaluation
(218) Kansei Evaluation on Museum Website Designs
HSIEH Meng-Hsueh, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuo-Hsiang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
SHIEH Meng-Dar, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(170) Kansei Evaluation on the Visual and Hearing Image of Interface Design
HUANG Kuo-Liang, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuo-Hsiang, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
CHANG Jen-Yang, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan

(133) Study on Conflict of Evaluation Values and Interest of Respondent in Questionnaire data
WATANABE Yosuke, Nagoya University, Japan
YOSHIKAWA Tomohiro, Nagoya University, Japan
FURUHASHI Takeshi, Nagoya University, Japan

(405) Perceiving the faces of Buddha statues
On the relation with viewpoint and affective evaluation

ARIGA Atsunori, University of Illinois, United States
KITAMURA-SUZUKI Miho, University of Tokyo, Japan
WATANABE Katsumi, University of Tokyo/Japan Science And Technology Agency/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology, Japan
YOSHIKAWA Sakiko, Kyoto University, Japan

(600) Kansei Evaluation on Bamboo Curtain Design
CHANG Meng-Chu, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuohsiang, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
SHIEH Meng-Dar, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan

Room D: Interaction
Chairperson: Kees OVERBEEKE
(300) Image Cognition Study Pertinent to Physical Interactive Design of Public Art
TSAO Yung-Chin, Tatung University, Taiwan
YANG Shang-Feng, Tatung University, Taiwan

(528) The Influence of Operation Impresseon and Information Seeking on Web Layout
OTSUKA Ryuhei, Kogakuin University Graduate School, Japan
HISAO Siizuka, Kogakuin University, Japan

(253) Interactive Architecture
Extending the Kansei Engineering Approach to Real-Time Interactive Spatial Systems

SCHUELER Nora Louisa, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

(399) Aesthetics based on Synesthetic Kansei
Searching for the Mechanism of Embodiment as the Foundation of Designing

OHTSUBO Makito, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Design, Japan
IGARASHI Hiroya, University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science, Japan
MISAKI Daichi, University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science, Japan

(149) The Status of Families Communication Needs in Taiwan and Discussion Over Future Interaction Design
YANG Ching, National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
HSIEH Hsiu-hui, National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan

Room E: Affective computing, ontologies and text
Chairperson: Marie-Jeanne LESOT
(418) Empirical Analysis of How Visual Properties of Texts Affect Manual Legibility
FUKAYA YONEZAWA Takugo, ATR Media Information Science Laboratories, Nara Institute of Science And Technology, Japan
ONO Susumu, FUJI PRINTING Co.,Ltd., Japan
ANDO Hiroshi, ATR Media Information Science Laboratories, National Institute of Information And Communications Technology, Japan

(510) Content-oriented Approach to Knowledge Description of Aesthetic Experience
MURAMATSU Keiichi, Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan
TOGAWA Tatsuo, Advanced Research Center For Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan
KOJIMA Kazuaki, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan
MATSUI Tatsunori, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan

(388) A Semantic Approach to Text-based Image Retrieval Using a Lexical Ontology
SYED ABDULLAH Fadzli, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
ROSSITZA SetchiM, Cardiff University, United Kingdom

(252) Analysis of texts' emotional content in a multidimensional space
DZOGANG Fabon, LIP6, France
LESOT Marie-Jeanne, LIP6 - UPMC, France
RIFQI Maria, LIP6, France
BOUCHON-MEUNIER Bernadette, LIP6 - CNRS, France

(215) A Data Mining Framework for CITARASA-Based System
MAVRIDOU Efthimia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
TZOVARAS Dimitrios, Informatics And Telematics Institute, Greece
BEKIARIS Evangelos, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Greece
GEMOU Maria, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Greece
HASSAPIS George, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Room F: Kansei for universal design
Chairperson: Kenji SUZUKI
(71) Kansei search for elderly care home design guidelines
KALVIAINEN Mirja, The North Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
RISSANEN Sari, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
HUJALA Anneli, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
KOMU Hannele, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

(414) Human Perception of Hand Pain for Activities Common in Daily Life
SERI KamatRahayu, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
YOXALL Alaster, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
CARRE Matt, Sheffield University, United Kingdom
JENIFFER Rowson, Sheffield University, United Kingdom

(155) The Quantitative Evaluation of the Visual comfort and Discomfort Induced by Stripe and Grid Patterns
A Comparison between Migraine Patients and Normal Controls

IMAIZUMI Shu, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
KOYAMA Shinichi, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
HIBINO Haruo, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan

(46) The Design study of Multiple Toys for Parent-Autism Children Interaction based on Sensory Integration
LEE Ya-Hsueh, Student, Taiwan
MA Min-Yuan, , Taiwan
SU Hsing-Fen, Student, Taiwan

(527) Evaluation of Feelings Invoked by the Rhythm Patterns of Percussive Color
KUROTAKI Yuta, Graduate School of Informatics, Kogakuin University, Japan
SHIIZUKA Hisao, Department of Computer Science And Communication Engineering, Kogakuin University, Japan

18:00 End of Day 1

Day 2 - March 3rd
09:00 Keynote 3: Prof. Simon SCHÜTTE 
10:00 Break
10:30 Session 3
Amphitéâtre: Fashion design
AGARWAL Gaurav, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, France
KOEHL Ludovic, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, France
PERWULZ Anne, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, France

(114) Consumer Behaviour towards Sustainabiity within Fashion
CROMMENTUIJN-MARSH Philippa, Open University, United Kingdom
ECKERT Claudia, Open University, United Kingdom
POTTER Stephen, Open University, United Kingdom

(261) The Application of Numerical Definition-Based Systematic Approach in Form of High-heel Shoes to Image Perception
CHIU Tseng-Ping, National Cheng Kung Univeersity, Taiwan
CHUNG Hung-Yu, National Cheng Kung Univeersity, Taiwan
CHUANG Ching-Yuan, National Cheng Kung Univeersity, Taiwan
HUANG Tzu-Kang, National Cheng Kung Univeersity, Taiwan
CHANG Yu-Ming, National Cheng Kung Univeersity, Taiwan

(159) Flight attendant uniform concept preference study using kansei Ergonomics
SANTOS Michele, Faculdade De Arquitectura, UTL, Portugal
REBELO Francisco, Faculdade Motricidade Humana, UTL, Portugal
SANTOS Raquel, Faculdade Motricidade Humana, UTL, Portugal
TELES Julia, Faculdade Motricidade Humana, UTL, Portugal

(314) Brand identity adjustable to redesign by using similarity matching for lady fashion shoes
TANGCHAIDEE Kitisak, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
BOUCHARD Carole, Art Et Metiers PARISTECH, France
AOUSSAT Ameziane, Art Et Metiers PARISTECH, France
BUTDEE Suthep, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand

Room A: Kansei theory
Chairperson: Pierre LÉVY
(138) A Study of Product Preference and Mental-Distance Based on Gender Schema
LI Yi He, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min Yuan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHAN Fan Yi, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(471) Computational models of empathy and emotional entrainment: toward novel approaches to KANSEI Information Processing
CAMURRI Antonio, University of Genova, Italy
VARNI Giovanna, University of Genova, Italy
VOLPE Gualtiero, University of Genova, Italy

(190) Design of Scents Suited with User's Kansei using Interactive Evolutionary Computation
FUKUMOTO Makoto, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
IMAI Jun-ichi, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan

(182) A Tentative Model for Kansei Processing
Projection Model of Kansei Experience

KUROSU Masaaki, The Open University Of Japan, Japan

(453) Human resource management and emotional intelligence
IRIMIE Sabina, University of Petrosani, Romania
IRIMIE Sabin-Ioan, University of Petrosani, Romania

Room B: Affective computing, multimodality and agents
Chairperson: Marco GILLIES
NIEWIADOMSKI Radoslaw, Telecom ParisTech, France
HYNIEWSKA Sylwia, Telecom ParisTech, France
PELACHAUD Catherine, CNRS TelecomParisTech, France

(447) Designing Companions with Kansei
ROA-SEïLER Néna, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
BENYON David, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom

(417) On Listeners' and Speakers' Gender-Dependent Features of Auditory Impressions of Emotional Speech in Various Degrees
TSURU Makiko, Kinki University / Kurume Shin-Ai Women's College, Japan
TAKEDA Shoichi, Kinki University, Japan

(230) Building credible agents: behaviour influenced by personality and emotional traits
BEVACQUA Elisabetta, CNRS - Telecom ParisTech, France
DE SEVIN Etienne, CNRS - Telecom ParisTech, France
PELACHAUD Catherine, CNRS - Telecom ParisTech, France
MCRORIE Margaret, Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom
SNEDDON Ian, Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom

(411) Spectral-Tilt Features of Emotional Speech -Research on Emotional-Speech Synthesis Based on Voice-Quality Conversion-
TAKEDA Shoichi, Kinki University, Japan
UENO Yuudai, Chiyoda Integre Co., Ltd., Japan
NAKASAKO Noboru, Kinki University, Japan
NAKAGAWA Hideo, Kinki University, Japan
TSURU Makiko, Kinki University / Kurume Shin-Ai Women's College, Japan
ISOBE Risako, Tokyo City University, Japan
KIRYU Shogo, Tokyo City University, Japan

Room C: Kansei evaluation
Chairperson: Nadia CAMPOS
(20) Relative Importance of Design and Usability of Cell Phone
In Terms of Age and Gender

HASHIZUME Ayako, University of Tsukuba, Japan
KUROSU Masaaki, The Open University of Japan, Japan
YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan

(85) Exploring Kansei Attributes of the Emotional Design Preferences on Children's Wear in Malaysia
MIOR IBRAHIM Emma Nuraihan, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
MOHD LOKMAN Anitawati, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
NAGAMACHI Mitsuo, Hiroshima University, Japan

(109) The Wall Murals Design Evaluation from the Perspective of Plant Visual Graphics
CHEN Yu-Chia, National Taiwan University of Art, Taiwan
TSAI Yu-Lun, Tunghai University, Taiwan

HSIEH Yu-Chen, National Chen Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuoh Siang, National Chen Kung University, Taiwan

(173) Effects of Lightness Contrast and Image Size on KANSEI Evaluation of Photographic Images
CHEN Yi-Chun, Utsunomiya University, Japan
ISHIKAWA Tomoharu, Utsunomiya University, Japan
SHIRAKAWA Toshiyuki, Utsunomiya University, Japan
EDA Tetsuya, Utsunomiya University, Japan
OGURO Hisashi, Technical Research Institute, Toppan Printing Co.,Ltd, Japan
GUO Sumei, Technical Research Institute, Toppan Printing Co.,Ltd, Japan
SATO Mie, Utsunomiya University, Japan
KASUGA Masao, Utsunomiya University, Japan
AYAMA Miyoshi, Utsunomiya University, Japan

Room D: Experience design
Chairperson: Mirja KALVIAINEN
STEPHEN Awoniyi, Texas State University, United States

(208) Cognitive measurements for the Repertory Grid Technique: assuring quality in subjective experience explorations
TOMICO Oscar, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
LLOVERAS Joaquim, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

(105) Building relevant contexts to design experiences
CLOS François, Arts, France

(372) A Hypothesis to Establish Platforms for Design Management Focused on Designing User Experiences
YAMASHITA Mikio, Tamarazuka University of Art And Design, Japan
KOYAMA Noboru, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
KAWARABAYASHI Keiichiro, Shizuoka University of Art And Culture, Japan
FUJITO Mikio, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
SAKAMOTO Kazuko, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
KITANI Yoji, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
MORINAGA Yasufumi, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan

(512) Creating Customer Experience and Product Innovation at Shinzaburo Hanpu in the Regionality of Kyoto
IRISAWA Yusuke, Waseda Business School, Waseda University, Japan
ISHIKAWA Makoto, Waseda Business School, Waseda University, Japan
NAGASAWA Shin'ya, Waseda Business School, Waseda University, Japan

Room E: Senses
Chairperson: Jean-François PETIOT
(521) Modeling Customer Preferences for Commodities by Behavior Log Analysis with Ubiquitous Sensing
Modeling Customer Preferences for Commodities by Behavior Log Analysis with Ubiquitous Sensing

IMAMURA Naoki, Chuo University, Japan
NAGAYASU KenJI, Chuo University, Japan
SUZUKI Hiroaki, Chuo University, Japan
OGINO Akihiro, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan
KATO Toshikazu, Chuo University, Japan

(45) Effects of package images on taste perceptions for fruit juices.
MIZUTANI Nanami, University of Tsukuba, Japan
OKAMOTO Masako, National Food Research Institute, Japan
YAMAGUCHI Yui, National Food Research Institute, Japan
DAN Ippeita, National Food Research Institute, Japan
YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan

OTSUKA Sayaka, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
INOUE Hiroto, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
KASHIWAZAKI Naoya, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
NOMURA Mika, Kanebo Cosmetics Inc, Japan
SAKAMAKI Takeshi, Kanebo Cosmetics Inc, Japan
KUBOTA Masao, Kanebo Cosmetics Inc, Japan
MOTOYAMA Tomoko, Kanebo Cosmetics Inc, Japan

(529) Modeling the Sense of Familiarity among People in Mutual Teaching and Application of the Model to an E-Learning Service
IWAWAKI Hirokazu, Department of Industrial And Systems Engineering, Chuo University, Japan
KATO Toshikazu, Department of Industrial And Systems Engineering, Chuo University, Japan
SHINOHARA Isao, Kyodo Printing Co.Ltd., Japan

(195) Sensory perception of surface quality
Industrial practices and prospects

DEBROSSE Thomas, SYMME Université De Savoie, France
PILLET Maurice, SYMME Université De Savoie, France
MAIRE Jean-Luc, SYMME Université De Savoie, France
BAUDET Nathalie, SYMME Université De Savoie, France

Room F: Branding
Chairperson: Shin'ya NAGASAWA
GUYON Herve, PESOR, France

(320) How do we evaluate the reliability of the advertisements in the internet and magazines? Trust vs. Assurance.
YOSHITAKE Miki, Chiba University, Japan
KOYAMA Shinichi, Chiba University, Japan
NAKAJIMA Kent, Chiba University, Japan
SHONO Toru, Dentsu Inc., Japan
NAGAO Yoshihide, Dentsu Inc., Japan
OKU Ritsuya, Dentsu Inc., Japan
HIBINO Haruo, Chiba University, Japan


BORJA DE MOZOTA Brigitte, Parsons Paris, France

(33) Perceptual Consumption and Brand Atmosphere
Start from Female Consumer's Fancy Bags

CHANG Wei Chen, National Yunlin University Of Science, Taiwan
HWANG Shyh Huei, National Yunlin University Of Science, Taiwan

(535) Chanel's Devotion and Product Development as a Luxury Brand
Taking R

NAGASAWA Shinya, Waseda Business School, Japan
SUGIMOTO Kana, Waseda Business School, Japan

12:10 Lunch
14:00 Keynote 4: Prof. Lola CANAMERO and Prof. Nadia Berthouze BERTHOUZE
15:00 Posters
HORIBA Yosuke, Shinshu University, Japan
KAMIJO Masayoshi, Shinshu University, Japan
YOSHIDA Hiroaki, Shinshu University, Japan
SHIMIZU Yoshio, Shinshu University, Japan

(312) Detection of subconscious tastes for food using evoked potential and fMRI
SAKATA Osamu, University of Yamanashi, Japan
SATAKE Takaaki, University of Tsukuba, Japan
SUZUKI Yutaka, University of Yamanashi, Japan

(302) Simulation of Extraction of Development Elevations of Body Surface
KURIHARA Miho, Shinshu University, Japan
INUI Shigeru, Shinshu University, Japan
INUI Mariko, Kacho College, Japan
HORIBA Yosuke, Shinshu University, Japan
TAKATERA Masayuki, Shinshu University, Japan

(65) Kansei Impression Analysis Using Fuzzy C4.5 Decision Tree
TOKUMARU Masataka, Kansai University, Japan

TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
ASAKURA Hiraku, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
TERASHIMA Hirotomo, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
IRIKURA Takashi, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
II Shinichiro, Nissan Motor Co., LTD, Japan
WAKITA Daisuke, Nissan Motor Co., LTD, Japan

(125) Research into the Design Trend of Emotional Print Advertising
WANG Wei-yao, Associate Professor At Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
LIU I-ning, Graduate Student At Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan University of Science, Taiwan
HUANG Tzu-ho, Graduate Student At Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan University of Science, Taiwan

(177) A conceptual framework for impressions elicited in human-product interaction
Design for meaning and design for emotion

VERGARA Margarita, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
AGOST María-Jesús, Universitat Jaume I, Spain

(98) Reproducibility of KANSEI Property of Textile Fabric
A case study of high-end silk fabric

KAKUTA Maki, Division of Science And Technology, Graduate School of Shinshu University, Japan
TAKATERA Masayuki, Faculty of Textile Science And Technology, Shinshu University, Japan
YANAGIDA Yoshiko, Bunka Women's University, Japan
IKEDA Kazuko, Bunka Women's University, Japan
OTANI Tsuyoshi, Faculty of Textile Science And Technology, Shinshu University, Japan


MORITA Yoshitsugu, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan
SOGABE Haruka, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan
ISHIBASHI Shinsuke, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan

(508) Effects of Commercial Message Content Exposure on Audience Impressions
HASEGAWA Hiroshi, Utsunomiya University, Japan
SATO Mie, Utsunomiya University, Japan
KASUGA Masao, Utsunomiya University, Japan
NAGAO Yoshihide, Dentsu Inc., Japan
SHONO Toru, Dentsu Inc., Japan
NOROSE Yuka, Dentsu Inc., Japan
OKU Ritsuya, Dentsu Inc., Japan
NOGAMI Akira, Dentsu Inc., Japan
MIYAZAWA Yoshitaka, Dentsu Inc., Japan

(197) The evaluation of the text design for the digital signage using electronic paper
TAKAHASHI Shihomi, Chiba University, Japan
HISHINUMA Takashi, Chiba University, Japan
MASUDA Takuya, Chiba University, Japan
KOYAMA Shinichi, Chiba University, Japan
HIBINO Haruo, Chiba University, Japan

(518) The design of a communication media that transmits a favor
OGASAWARA Naohito, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan, Japan
SATO Kiwamu, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan, Japan
NUNOKAWA Hiroshi, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan, Japan

(54) Influence of Clothing Pressure by Waist Belts on Brain Activity

KAMIJO Masayoshi, Shinshu Univerity, Japan
UEMAE Tomohiro, Shinshu University, Japan
KWON Euichul, Shinshu University, Japan
HORIBA Yosuke, Shinshu University, Japan
YOSHIDA Hiroaki, Shinshu University, Japan
MORISHIMA Mika, Gifu City Women¡Çs College, Japan

(265) Applying Kansei Engineering on the e-commerce web of 3C product
WANG Kun-Chieh, , Taiwan
WANG Tsui-Lan, , Taiwan

(237) The Difficulties of Using Kansei Engineering Method in Iran
SHAFIEYOUN Zhabiz, Graduated M.A of Industrial Design, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran
KOLEINI Nasser, Assistant Professor Ph.D., Department of Industrial Design, School of Architecture And Urban Design, Iran University of Science, Iran
JAHANBAKHSH Saeed, Professor Ph.D, Department of Physical Geography, Tabriz University, Iran

(209) Visual Image Analysis in Form of Chinese Ming Dynasty Armchair
TIEN-LI Chen, TienLi Chen, Taiwan
LIAO WeiTing, WeiTing Liao, Taiwan

(210) Visual Image Analysis of Sections of Wooden Materials-an example by merchantable broad-leaved tree grown in Taiwan
TIEN-LI Chen, Chen Tien-Li, Taiwan
KUAN-YU Ji, Ji Kuan-Yu, Taiwan
HUNG-CHENG Tsai, Tsai Hung-Cheng, Taiwan

(212) Intelligent Agents for Personalised Vehicle Configuration
BEKIARIS Evangelos, Centre For Research And Technology Hellas/Hellenic Institute of Transport, Greece
SPANIDIS Pavlos, Centre For Research And Technology Hellas/Hellenic Institute of Transport, Greece
GEMOU Maria, Centre For Research And Technology Hellas/Hellenic Institute of Transport, Greece

(174) Study on the Evaluation Gaps between Japan and Europe regarding Japanese Design Study on The Development of The Design Evaluation and Diagnostic System
ISHIBASHI Shinsuke, Kyushu University, Japan SOGABE Haruka, Kyushu University, Japan MORITA Yoshitsugu, Kyushu University, Japan

(68) Interactive Therapy System Design for Children with Autistic Spectrum DisordersCHOI Min Young, Sungshin Women's University, Korea LIM Chang Young, KAIST, Korea

15:30 Break
15:00 Session 4
Amphitéâtre: Fashion design
Chairperson: Brian HENSON
(361) Jewelry as Provocateur of Emotions
AHDE-DEAL Petra, Aalto University, Shcool of Art And Design, Finland

(107) Device to Measure Three-diimensional Compression Property for Surface KANSEI of Pile Materials
FUJIMOTO Takako, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan
MURATA Choji, Kato Tech Co.,LTD, Japan
FUKUYAMA Hiroaki, Kato Tech Co.,LTD, Japan
ASANO ChieMuraki, Yasuda Women's University, Japan

(86) The Influence of Sweat Absorbent Liners on Helmet Comfort and Comparison with Fabric Hand
KWON Euichul, Shinshu University, Japan
KAMIJO Masayoshi, Shinshu University, Japan
TAKATERA Masayuki, Shinshu University, Japan

(180) Assessment of visual impression of fabrics with curved surfaces
ASANO Chie Muraki, Yasuda Women's University, Japan
MURAKAMI Machiko, Gifu City Women's College, Japan
FUJIMOTO Takako, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan

(151) Contribution to the mapping of customer's requirements and process parameters
KONGPRASERT Nattapong, University of Grenoble (Grenoble INP), France
BRISSAUD Daniel, University of Grenoble (Grenoble INP), France
BOUCHARD Carole, Art Et Metiers ParisTech, France
AOUSSAT Ameziane, Art Et Metiers ParisTech, France
BUTDEE Suthep, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand

Room A: Interaction
Chairperson: Oscar TOMICO
(317) KANSEI to Subtle Finger Movements to Know Referential Intentions of Other People
Comparison of Dominant and Non-Dominant Hand Movements

KOBAYASHI Harumi, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
YASUDA Tstsuya, Tokyo Denki University, Japan

(534) A Study of Physical Exercise Using the Nintendo DS
MASUI Youko, Tokyo Future University, Japan
BAN Hiromi, Tokyo Future University, Japan

(139) Study on Children's Preference for Auditory and Visual Social Cues During Interaction with Computers
TUNG Fang-Wu, National United University, Taiwan
DENG Yi-Shin, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuen-Meau, National United University, Taiwan

(351) Using Emotional Interactions for Visual Navigation Task Learning
BOUCENNA Sofiane, ETIS, CNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Univ Cergy-Pontoise, France
HASSON Cyril, ETIS, CNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Univ Cergy-Pontoise, France
GAUSSIER Philippe, ETIS, CNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Univ Cergy-Pontoise, France
HAFEMEISTER Laurence, ETIS, CNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Univ Cergy-Pontoise, France

Room B: Kansei and music
Chairperson: Antonio CAMURRI
(426) Looking for common traits between musical and physical gestures
CANAZZA Sergio, University of Padova, Italy
DE POLI Giovanni, University of Padova, Italy
RODA' Antonio, University of Udine, Italy

HAYAFUCHI Kouki, University of Tsukuba, Japan
SUZUKI Kenji, University of Tsukuba, Japan

(431) Active music experience using mobile phones
MANCINI Maurizio, University of Genova, Italy
CAMURRI Antonio, University of Genova, Italy
VARNI Giovanna, University of Genova, Italy
VOLPE Gualtiero, University of Genova, Italy

(532) Design of Auditory Processing and Subjective Classification for Music
MURAKAMI Masashi, Chuo University, Japan
KATO Toshikazu Kato, Chuo University, Japan

(35) Extracting the Minimum Structures of Musical Schemas from Traditional Japanese and Chinese Folk Songs
KAWASE Akihiro, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
TOKOSUMI Akifumi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Room C: Kansei evaluation
Chairperson: Keiichiro KAWARABAYASHI

ZHANG Jue, Kogakuin University, Japan

(339) Affective Video Analysis by Using users' EEG and Subjective Evaluation
WANG Shangfei, University of Science And Technology of China, China
HU Yongjie, University of Science And Technology of China, China

(41) Kansei Design Method and its Application on Industrial Design of Massage Chair
WANG Zhenya, Shandong University, China
WANG Yandong, Shandong University, China
LIANG Yingying, Shandong University, China
HAO Song, Shandong University, China

(228) The Relationship Between Eyebrows Position, Shape and Human Mood
FONG Ya-San, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Yu-Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
HO Chih-I, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHANG Yu- Ming, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
WU Fong-Gong, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

SOETA Yasuhiro, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan
ANDO Ryo, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan
KITAMOTO Takuma, Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan
HASEGAWA Hiroshi, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan
KASUGA Masao, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan

Room D: Interaction in Gaming
Chairperson: Claire DORMAN
(150) Assessing Gameplay Emotions from Physiological Signals:
A Fuzzy Decision Trees Based Model

ORERO Joseph Onderi, Laboratoire D'Informatique De Paris 6 (LIP6)- Université Pierre Et Marie Curie, France
LEVILLAIN Florent, Laboratoire Cognitions Humaine Et Artificielle (CHART)-Université Paris 8, France
DAMEZ-FONTAINE Marc, Laboratoire D'Informatique De Paris 6 (LIP6)- Université Pierre Et Marie Curie, France
RIFQI Maria, Laboratoire D'Informatique De Paris 6 (LIP6)- Université Pierre Et Marie Curie, France
BOUCHON-MEUNIER Bernadette, Laboratoire D'Informatique De Paris 6 (LIP6)- Université Pierre Et Marie Curie, France


DORMANN Claire, University of Ottawa, Canada
BIDDLE Robert, Carleton University, Canada

(413) A Study of Information Processing in the Brains of Players During Playing the Hyakunin-Isshu Karuta Game
TAKEDA Shoichi, Kinki University, Japan
HASEGAWA Yu, Kinki University, Japan
HIRAI Yoshiyuki, Kinki University, Japan
KOSUGI Kazunori, Kinki University, Japan
TSUKUI Tsutomu, All-Japan Karuta Association, Japan
YAMAMOTO Seiichi, Doshisha University, Japan

(233) Emotional interactive storyteller system
BLEACKLEY Peter, BBC, United Kingdom
HYNIEWSKA Sylwia, Telecom ParisTech, France
NIEWIADOMSKI Radoslaw, Telecom ParisTech, France
PELACHAUD Catherine, CNRS - Telecom ParisTech, France
PRICE Marc, BBC, United Kingdom

(482) The Effects of Emotion, Spatial Ability, and View Point for the Sense of Telepresence in a 3D Computer Game Environment
LEE Jiunde, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Room E: Emotion, shape, image
Chairpersons: Jean-François OMHOVER

(357) Emotional impact on designer's cognitive process in the early stages of design
KIM Jieun, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France
BOUCHARD Carole, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France
OMHOVER Jean-Francois, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France
AOUTSSAT Améziane, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France

(458) Research for humanity technology and physiology influence factors in product styling design
ZHIBIN Xie, Ningbo University, China LEI Shi, Beijing Institute Of Technology, China

TSAO YUNG-CHIN, Tatung University, Taiwan
LIAO CHING-CHIH, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan

(515) Computational Modeling of Visual Perception and its Application to Image Enhancement
TAKEDA Yasuhiro, Chuo University, Japan
KATO Toshikazu, Chuo University, Japan

(500) The Creation of Le Centre Le Corbusier as Kansei Space
SENDAI Shoichiro, Hiroshima University, Japan
MASUHARA Mirei, Hiroshima University, Japan

Room F: Culture
Chairperson: Nasser KOLEINI
(272) Research of Taiwanese chili hot pot culture
Attractiveness and consumers

CHEN Yu-chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min-yuan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
FONG Ya-san, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
LI Yi-he, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(110) A Comparison Study on the Use of Review Panel Evaluations for Decision-Making in Vehicle Design by Japanese, European and U.S. Automakers
KOYAMA Noboru, Advanced Institute of IndustrialTechnology, Japan
YAMASHITA Mikio, Takarazuka University of Art And Design, Japan
KAWARABAYASHI Keiichiro, Shizuoka University of Art And Culture, Japan
YOSHIDA Satoshi, Advanced Institute of IndustrialTechnology, Japan
FUJITO Mikio, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
MORINAGA Yasufumi, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan
CHEN Junfu, Advanced Institute of IndustrialTechnology, Japan


WONG Ju-Joan, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
WU Ya-Ying, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

(408) A Kansei Model for Preferences of Chicken Appearance in Chiang Rai and Okinawa
HARADA Akira, Sapporo City University, Japan
ZHANG Jue, Kogakuin University, Japan
TAKADA Masaru, The Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Japan
LERTTEVASIRI Pornthep, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

(366) Communicating Sustainability:new messages, new tools
CADARSO Maria, Faculty Architecture, Lisbon Technical University, Portugal

17:40 End of Day 2

Day 3 - March 4th
09:00 Keynote 5: Prof. Kuohsiang Chen
10:20 Break
10:30 Session 5
Amphitéâtre: Kansei engineering
Chairperson: Samantha PORTER
(87) Comparative Analysis of Users' Kansei Evolutions during the Lifecycle of their Short-lived and Long-lived Products
ZAFARMAND Seyed Javad, Chiba University, Japan
TAUCHI Takatoshi, Chiba University, Japan
TERAUCHI Fumio, Chiba University, Japan
KUBO Mitsunori, Chiba University, Japan
AOKI Hiroyuki, Chiba University, Japan

(165) Kansei Information Processing in Product Design
Exploring the role of visual information in designers' activity

MOUGENOT Celine, The University of Tokyo, Japan
WATANABE Katsumi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
BOUCHARD Carole, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France
AOUSSAT Ameziane, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France

(121) Models from Psychology and Marketing applied to Kansei Engineering
GONZALEZ Richard, University of Michigan, United States
CHO Sookyung, University of Michigan, United States
REID Tahira, University of Michigan, United States
PAPALAMBROS Panos, University of Michigan, United States

(309) Revisiting the definition of preference in preference mapping studies
DELARUE Julien, AgroParisTech, France
DANZART Marc, AgroParisTech, France
SIEFFERMANN Jean-Marc, AgroParisTech, France

GHADIR Neda, University of Tehran, Iran
GARAVAND Dawood, University of Tehran, Iran
FARAJI Ali, University of Tehran, Iran

Room A: Emotion in Fashion design
Chairperson: Hideaki MORIKAWA
(115) Fashion and Emotion oriented Computerized Garment Design
ZHU Yijun, Ensait, France
ZENG Xianyi, Ensait, France
KOEHL Ludovic, Ensait, France
CHAIGNEAU Cyril, Damart Serviposte, France

MURAKAMI Machiko, Gifu City Women's College, Japan
M. ASANO Chie, Yasuda Womenfs University, Japan
FUJIMOTO Takako, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan

(503) The possibility of predicting luxury brand
Lanvin,Balenciaga as examples

BABAZONO Shoji, Bunka Fashion Graduate University, Japan
MORIKAWA Hideaki, Shinshu University, Japan
OTANI Tsuyoshi, Shinshu University, Japan

(337) Aesthetic Experience and Comfort:
‘Garment Design Integrated with Movement Qualities, Dynamic Bodily Expression, and Emotion'

JEON Eunjeong, Curtin University of Technology, Australia

(292) Influence of Familiarity on Emotional Responses to Natural Scene Ads
A Study of Kansei in Japanese Advertising

SANABRIA ZEPEDA Jorge Carlos, University of Tsukuba, Japan
CHO Young-Il, University of Tsukuba, Japan
YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Room B: Affective computing, gesture
Chairperson: Nadia BERTHOUZE
(264) Pose generation system expressing feelings and state
HAGIWARA Masafumi, Keio University, Japan
EMI Tomoko, Keio University, Japan

(419) Does body movement affect the player engagement experience?
BERTHOUZE Nadia, University College London Interaction Center (UCLIC), United Kingdom

(473) Modelling Non-Acted Affective Posture in a Video Game Scenario
KLEINSMITH Andrea, University College London, United Kingdom
BIANCHI-BERTHOUZE Nadia, University College London, United Kingdom

(415) Emotional contagion in interactive art
IACOBINI Matt, University College London Interaction Center (UCLIC), United Kingdom
GONSALVES Tina, University College London, United Kingdom
BERTHOUZE Nadia, University College London, United Kingdom
FRITH Chris, University College London, United Kingdom

WANG Shangfei, China
DING Rui, China

Room C: Kansei evaluation
Chairperson: Noboru KOYAMA
(316) A study on an analyzed method of the emotional images of products
YAMAOKA Toshiki, Wakayama University, Japan

(474) Subjective evaluation experiment of air-conditioning sounds in a vehicle according to the differences between generations
KASUGA Masao, Utsunomiya University, Japan
NAKASAKI Ryota, Utsunomiya University, Japan
OGATA Takaharu, Utsunomiya University, Japan
HASEGAWA Hiroshi, Utsunomiya University, Japan
OZEKI Yukio, Calsonickansei Corporation, Japan
ONDA Masaharu, Calsonickansei Corporation, Japan

(235) Natural stones and ceramic tiles imitations: comparison of consumers' emotional response using product semantics
SOLVES Clara, Instituto De Biomecánica De Valencia, Spain
ARTACHO MiguelÁngel, Instituto De Biomecánica De Valencia, Spain
ZAMORA Tomás, Instituto De Biomecánica De Valencia, Spain
ALCáNTARA Enrique, Instituto De Biomecánica De Valencia, Spain

PETIOT Jef, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
POIRSON Emilie, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
ALIOUAT Emmanuel, Renault, Direction De La Recherche, Groupe Perception Et Analyse Sensorielle, France
BOIVIN Ludivine, Renault, Direction De La Recherche, Groupe Perception Et Analyse Sensorielle, France
BLUMENTHAL David, Renault, Direction De La Recherche, Groupe Perception Et Analyse Sensorielle, France

CHING-YUAN Chuang, , Taiwan
TSENG-PING Chiu, , Taiwan
MIN-YUAN Ma, , Taiwan

Room D: Experience design
Chairperson: Toshiki YAMAOKA

KOSAKA YUJI, Oracle Co., Ltd.,, Japan
SHIIZUKA Hisao, Kogakuin University, Japan

(47) Measuring Interest and Price for Sensory Experience
Application to Hotels

MOSKOWITZ Howard Richard, Moskowitz Jacobs, Inc., USA
FYRBJÖRK Johanna, ZenInSight, Ltd., SWEDEN
SHOFU Rieko, Corporate Design Department, Hakuhodo, Inc., JAPAN
BEVOLO Marco, Marco Bevolo Consulting, NETHERLANDS
MOSKOWITZ David, Moskowitz Jacobs, Inc., USA
GOFMAN Alex, Moskowitz Jacobs, Inc., USA

YANNOU Bernard, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
WANG Jiliang, Ecole Centrale Paris, France

OGINO Akihiro, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan
IMAMURA Naoki, Chuo University, Japan
KATO Toshikazu, Chuo University, Japan

(509) Combinative Value Creation in Purchasing Behavior
SHINDO Yukimune, Graduate School Of Chuo University, Japan
SHOJI Hiroko, Chuo University, Japan

Room E: Visual Kansei and Colour
Chairperson: Hervé CHRISTOFOL
(40) Research into the Emotion Dimensions Revealed by the Colors of Beverage Packaging
WANG Regina W.Y., Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
CHEN Ying-Chun, Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
HUANG Chuan-Tim, Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan University of Science And Technology, Taiwan

(513) Comparative study of Images associated with Japanese and English Color Terms
MINAGAWA Jun, Tokyo Future University, Japan
BAN Hiromi, Tokyo Future University, Japan

(246) Associating Color with Emotions based on Social Tagging
FENG Haifeng, LIP6 - UPMC, France
LESOT Marie-Jeanne, LIP6 - UPMC, France
DETYNIECKI Marcin, LIP6 - CNRS, France

(220) The New Implication of Ornament Design
HSU Pei-Ling, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min-Yuan, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(21) Preference measures of rectangle ratio on MBTI Personality Types
WANG Ching-yi, Institute of Applied Arts, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
CHUANG Ming-Chuen, Institute of Applied Arts, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Room F: Culture
Chairperson: Stéphanie BUISINE
(19) Creating Customer Experience and Hospitality at the Kyoto Long-standing Company Kyogashi-shi 'Suetomi'
IRISAWA Yusuke, Waseda Business School, Waseda University, Japan
NAGASAWA Shin'ya, Waseda Business School, Waseda University, Japan

(171) Kansei Appealing of Balcony Design
OU Yiling, Insititute of Creative Industry Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuohsiang, Insititute of Creative Industry Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
SHIEH Mengdar, Insititute of Creative Industry Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(439) Japanese Onomatopoeias and Sound Symbolic Words in Describing Interpersonal Communication
TAKAHASHI Kohske, The University of Tokyo; Japan Society For Promotion of Science, Japan
MITSUHASHI Hideo, NEC System Jisso Research Laboratories, Japan
NORIEDA Shin, NEC System Jisso Research Laboratories, Japan
SENDODA Mitsuru, NEC System Jisso Research Laboratories, Japan
MURATA Kazuhito, NEC System Jisso Research Laboratories, Japan
WATANABE Katsumi, The University of Tokyo; Japan Science And Technology Agency; National Institutes of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology, Japan

(331) A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Thought Process Cognitive Diversity According to Regions and Mathematical Minds
PARK InChan, University of Tsukuba, Japan
YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, JP

(108) The Study of Different User Groups Usage Needs in Living Space
CHEN Ming-Shih, Tunghai University, Taiwan
TSAI Yu-Lun, Tunghai University, Taiwan

12:10 Lunch
14:00 Keynote 6: TOYOTA EUROPE - FAVART Carole and ESQUIVEL Daniel
15:00 Session 6
Amphitéâtre: Kansei engineering
Chairperson: Panos PAPALAMBROS
BLUMENTHAL David, Renault SAS, Research Department, Perception, France
BOUILLOT Stephane, Renault SAS, Research Department, Perception, France

(43) Kansei Engineering: A case study on Iranian youth people preferences in different classes of available automobiles
ASLEFALLAH Mehdi, Lecturer At Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts,, Iran
MOHAMMADPOUR Nazanin, Lecturer At Department of Industrial Design, Kish International Campus, University of, Iran

(514) Development of Image Retrieval System Using Multiple Key Images
YASUKAWA Kazuki, Chuo University, Japan
KATO Toshikazu, Chuo University, Japan

Room A: Emotion theory
Chairperson: Masao KASUGA
(448) Generation of scene frame of Manga from narrative text
TAKASHIMA Kodai, University of Tsukuba, Japan
ONISAWA Takehisa, University of Tsukuba, Japan

(343) Research of the Different Emotion in Different Driving Purpose and Position in Car
YANG Chia-Lin, Industrial Design Department, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
MA Min-Yuan, Industrial Design Department, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(404) The Role of Emotions as Antecedents of Cognitive Assessment in the Evaluation of Incremental Versus Really New Products
HOFFMANN Jonas, SKEMA Business School, France
ROEHRICH Gilles, CERAG UMR 5820 - IAE Grenoble, France, France
MATHIEU Jean-Pierre, AUDENCIA Nantes Ecole De Management, France, France

Room B: Affective computing, texture
Chairperson: Bernadette BOUCHON-MEUNIER
HENSON Brian, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
LILLFORD Stephen, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

HENSON Brian, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
ELKHARRAZ Jalal, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
THUMFART Stefan, PROFACTOR Gmbh, Austria
AKAY Diyar, Gazi University, Turkey
EITZINGER Christian, PROFACTOR Gmbh, Austria

HENSON Brian, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
AKAY Diyar, Gazi University, Turkey

Room C: Emotion measurement
Chairpersons: Jacqueline NADEL
(175) Emotion Measurement: A Proposal for measuring User's Kansei
ELOKLA NerminElokla, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan
HIRAI Yasuyuki Hirai, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan
MORITA Yoshitsugu Morita, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Japan

(61) Measurement of “wakuwaku” feeling generated by interactive systems using biological signals
OHKURA Michiko, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
AOTO Tetsuro, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

(480) Extending the concept of satisfaction in ISO standards
BEVAN Nigel, Professional Usability Services, United Kingdom

Room D: Face expression and recognition
Chairperson: Catherine PELACHAUD
(273) A wearable interface for reading facial expressions based on bioelectrical signals
GRUEBLER Anna, University of Tsukuba, Japan
SUZUKI Kenji, University of Tsukuba, Japan

(66) Virtual Character's Emotional Persuasiveness
OCHS Magalie, CNRS-LTCI, Télécom ParisTech, France
PRENDINGER Helmut, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan


CSERJESI Renata, University of Groningen- Clinical And Developmental Neuropsychology Unit, Netherlands
VERMEULEN Nicolas, University of Louvain, Belgium
LENARD Laszlo, University of Pecs, Hungary
LUMINET Olivier, University of Louvain, Belgium

Room E: Senses
Chairperson: Ameziane AOUSSAT
JOMAA Inès, Institut De Recherche En Communications Et En Cybernétique De Nantes, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
BERTOLUCI Gwenola, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ecole Centrale Paris, France

(336) The Application of Selective Sensitivity to Design
Focus on Visual Perception

KIM SuKyoung, University of Tsukuba, Japan
NIKI Kazuhisa, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology, Japan
YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan

(517) Feeling Impression and Quantities Accompanying Calculation of Fluctuation in Sound Signal
YAMAMATSU Tatsuya, Graduate School of Engineering, Kagawa University, Japan
HATTORI Tetsuo, Graduate School of Engineering, Kagawa University, Japan
KAWAKAMI Yusuke, JRC Engineering CO. LTD., Japan
KAWANO Hiromichi, NTT Advanced Technology Corporation, Japan

Room F: Business
Chairperson: Patrice DUBOIS

CHULUUNBAATAR Enkhbold, Institute of Creative Industry Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Ottavia, Institute of Creative Industry Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
LUH Ding-Bang, Institute of Creative Industry Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(100) Study on how to overcome Business Death Valley utilizing Soft Conception Ability
Kansei enginnering has some ability to grow up company

FUJITO Mikio, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
MORINAGA Yasufumi, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan
KITANI Yoji, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
KOYAMA Noboru, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
KAWARABAYASHI Keiichiro, Shizuoka University of Art And Culture, Japan
YAMASHITA Mikio, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
SAKAMOTO Kazuko, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan

(290) Study on User Involvement in Hardware, Software and Service Integrated Type Design Development
KAWARABAYASHI Keiichiro, Shizuoka University Of Art And Culture, Japan
YAMASHITA Mikio, Kyoto Institute Of Technology, Japan
FUJITO Mikio, Kyoto Institute Of Technology, Japan
SAKAMOTO Kazuko, Kyoto Institute Of Technology, Japan
KITANI Yoji, Kyoto Institute Of Technology, Japan
KOYAMA Noboru, Advanced Institute Of Industrial Technology, Japan
MORINAGA Yasufumi, Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan

16:40 Break
17:10 Closing ceremony
18:00 End of Day 3 - End of the Conference