Pre-Conference Workshops
The KEER2010 Organization Committee is glad to welcome Pre-Conference Workshops at Arts et Métiers ParisTech. These workshops are organized by the workshop authors, and are welcoming anybody registered to KEER2010 (within the limits of availibitilites).
To registrate to the workshop, and for more information on the workshop, please contact directly the workshop authors.
W1 (Room C) |
Can User Experience and Kansei be Incorporated in Measurement of User Satisfaction? KUROSU Masaaki, The Open University of Japan, Japan BEVAN Nigel, Professional Usability Services, UK WALLDIUS Åke, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
W2 (Room D)
Women in Engineering, organized by IEEE BOUCHON-MEUNIER Bernadette, LIP6 - CNRS, France MARTI Laura, Bouygues Telecom, France
Can User Experience and Kansei be Incorporated in Measurement of User Satisfaction?
Organizers: Masaaki Kurosu, The Open University of Japan, Japan Nigel Bevan, Professional Usability Services, UK Åke Walldius, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Keywords: Satisfaction, Hedonic Quality, Usability Engineering, Emotion, Kansei, UsersAward, Attachment, Friendliness, User Experience, Meaningfulness, Sensibility, Longitudinal Usability
Date and Place: March 1 (Monday) 13:30-18:00, at Arts & Metiers Paristech, Paris, France (in Room C)
What will be discussed? The concept of satisfaction is used in the context of usability engineering as well as being one of the important keywords in Kansei engineering. In usability engineering, the focus of attention is gradually shifting from objective quality characteristics such as the effectiveness and the efficiency to the subjective impression of the user.
Hence, the concept of user experience is now becoming the main focus of interests and thus more people than pure usability engineering professionals are joining in the discussion.
Kansei, though still not clearly defined, has many aspects, one of which is a positive and active inclination of people to the use of artifacts. One of the key points is that satisfaction cannot be measured instantly after the use of the artifact, especially at the first time use. It is part of the total experience that is extended over a certain length of time, i.e. a key aspect of the longitudinal usability.
The Swedish initiative “UsersAward” has been dealing with this broader long-term, societal process since 1998 and has established industry-wide end-user networks for enterprise software quality assurance.
What we should discuss here is how we can measure the satisfaction in such a context – can it be measured by just a collection of simple questionnaire items? Or are there other better methods?
Who should participate in the workshop?: - Usability engineers, Kansei engineering professional, UX professionals, etc.
Level of the workshop - Intermediate
For those who would like to join the workshop: - You are cordially asked to submit a one page position paper and send it to Masaaki Kurosu and Nigel Bevan at
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- The format is free but the document should contain 1. name, 2. email address, 3. affiliation, 4. what you would like to discuss at the workshop. - Applications will receive a response within 7 days, and the final deadline is February 25. - This workshop will accept a maximum of 12 applications.
Organizers are expecting participation by many professionals interested in this theme and that the workshop will be a fruitful one for all participants.
First Public Debate IEEE Women In Engineering France
Organizers Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, LIP6 - CNRS, France Laura Marti, Bouygues Telecom, France
Date and Place March 1 (Monday) from 13h30, at Arts & Métiers Paristech, Paris, France (Room D)
What will be discussed? IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists. The mission of IEEE WIE is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide. Founded in 2008, IEEE WIE France has as main objective to promote the equity man-woman in the engineering world. IEEE WIE envisions a vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow.
After an introduction made by Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, director of research at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), participants will be invited to present themselves and to speak about their carrier, their professional successes, the difficulties encountered as a woman, the solutions founded to these problems, and their suggestions for the WIE France future actions and projects. This will be followed by a debate and a panel about how to promote women engineers and scientist, and how this could be done in practice. At the end of the discussions there will be a coffee break where people will have the opportunity to exchange individually with other participants.
Who should participate? Anybody interested in sharing views about how to promote women engineers and scientists or in proposing ideas that could be undertaken under the Affinity Group IEEE WIE France. |