The awards for the International Conference KEER2010 have been proposed by the Scientific Committee, with the accepted by the Board Committee.
Academics Awards
Excellent Presentation Award
CAMURRI Antonio, University of Genova, Italy
VARNI Giovanna, University of Genova, Italy
VOLPE Gualtiero, University of Genova, Italy
Computational Models of Empathy and Emotional Entrainment: Toward Novel Approaches to KANSEI Information Processing
Presentation Awards
MOUGENOT Celine, The University of Tokyo, Japan
WATANABE Katsumi, The University of Tokyo, Japan
BOUCHARD Carole, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France
AOUSSAT Ameziane, Arts Et Metiers ParisTech, France
Kansei Information Processing in Product Design Exploring the role of visual information in designers' activity
SONNEVELD Marina Henrieke, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
The Experience of Non-Functional Touch
LIU Cha-Lin Charleen, National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
CHANG Teng-Wen, National Yunlin University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
An Association Experiment for Finding Emotional Expression between Design and Music
IMAI Jun-ichi, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
KANEKO Masahide, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Kansei Evaluation of Behaviors of Robot which Recognizes Difference between User's and Its Own Fields of View
Student Awards
Excellent Presentation Award
STAIANO Michele, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
LANZOTTI Antonio, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
MATRONE Giovanna, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Design Candidate Identification via Kansei-VR & AHP approaches
Presentation Awards
SANABRIA ZEPEDA Jorge Carlos, University of Tsukuba, Japan
CHO Young-Il, University of Tsukuba, Japan
YAMANAKA Toshimasa, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Influence of Familiarity on Emotional Responses to Natural Scene Ads A Study of Kansei in Japanese Advertising
WANG Regina W.Y., National Taiwan University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
CHEN Ying-Chun, National Taiwan University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
HUANG Chuan-Tim, National Taiwan University of Science And Technology, Taiwan
Research into the Emotion Dimensions Revealed by the Colors of Beverage Packaging
HAYAFUCHI Kouki, University of Tsukuba, Japan
SUZUKI Kenji, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Gestural Interface to Explore Audio Libraries and Enhance Musical Experience
KIM Jieun, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France
BOUCHARD Carole, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France
OMHOVER Jean-Francois, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France
AOUSSAT Améziane, LCPI, Arts Et Métiers ParisTech, France
Emotional impact on designer's cognitive process in the early stages of design
LU Chia-pei, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
HUANG Miao-wen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
CHEN Kuohsiang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Kansei Study on Paper
Industrial Award
Excellent Presentation Award
BLUMENTHAL David, Renault SAS, France
BOUILLOT Stephane, Renault SAS, France
CARTOPTI: A Tool for Automotive Seat Conception Using Regression Models and Customers Studies
Special Award
Special Award
To the community of IRAN
for their promising contributions to the International Conference on
Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2010
Delivered to Prof. KOLEINI MAMAGHANI Nasser, Iran University of Science And Technology, Iran as a representative of community of IRAN